We provide a broad range of Compliance services


As rules, regulations and employers continue to evolve, companies are faced with the challenge of staying-up-to date on multiple State and Federal laws affecting their everyday business. HR departments are being asked to provide a broader range of services, which leaves less time and resources to ensure your compliance needs are being met.

We understand that you need resources to help you maintain compliance within your Human Resource functions. In an effort to keep you up-to-date on the most recent compliance information, we’ve put together the following resources that will be of assistance to you. Please check back for future updates and changes!

Michelina Covey

Michelina Covey

Director of HR Compliance

Michelina joined Hickok & Boardman HR Intelligence in October of 2018 as the Director of HR Compliance. With 20+ years in Human Resources, Michelina brings invaluable experience to both the firm and our clients. Michelina serves as the Compliance lead in supporting the firm’s clients in all aspects of HR and benefits compliance. As the rules/regulations are constantly changing, employers are faced with trying to understand and comply with the increasing complexity and changes. Michelina is dedicated to helping our clients understand what these changes mean and adopting best practices. In addition, she also supports multiple clients in managing their day-to-day HR functions as part of our HR Services Consulting practice area.


Human Resources Compliance

We provide a broad range of Compliance services


  • HR Consulting & Guidance
  • Compliance Hotline Contracts
  • Training
  • Policy & Handbook Reviews
  • Employee Communication
  • HR Simple Audits
  • Webinars, Workshops and Educational Series
  • Web-based Compliance Solutions


If you’re not sure where to begin, an audit may be a great starting point.

Be advised that Hickok & Boardman HR Intelligence is not providing legal advice. We recommend you have these documents reviewed by benefits counsel prior to distribution.


Our team of experts are here for you.